It seems that I still had some typos is the text, sorry. I hope here is the
clear explanation of the situation:
The infrastructure:
Host PRI (private IP) ----- <NAT> ------ Host PUB (public IP)
NAT(PRI) means the external mapping allocated for PRI by the NAT
(1) PRI -> PUB: SYN
(2) PUB -> NAT(PRI): SYN-ACK (with invalid sequence number)
Question: What happens to packet (2)? If it is not filtered is is possible
to filter it?
(1) PRI -> PUB: SYN
(2) PUB -> NAT(PRI): anything other than (SYN-ACK or SYN)
Question: What happens to packet (2)? If it is not filtered is is possible
to filter it?
Assuming that --random option is given to the POSTROUTING
chain of the NAT box, and hosts like PRI open so many connections
to the other side of the NAT (to hosts like PUB) that the high port
space is used up (every port is allocated to a host behind the NAT).
Question: What will happen to a new connection?
Many thanks for the help
Nemeth Denes wrote:
Sorry it was a typo it should be the following:
(host H is behind the NAT ....)
vishesh wrote:
On Sat, 2010-01-09 at 22:12 +0100, Nemeth Denes wrote:
Could someone help me to explain what does the conntack module do
in TCP connection negotiation in the following three cases: (host N is
behind the NAT and host P is on the other side of the NAT)
P sends a SYN to H and H replies with an SYN-ACK with an invalid
sequence number (If this passes normally through is it possible to
filter it out?)
P sends a SYN to H and H replies with non SYN-ACK (3-way-handshake)
or SYN (TCP simultaneous open) package
C: If the "--random" option is given to the postrouting chain, what
if the clients use up all the ports?
Many thanks,
Denes Nemeth
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Dear denes
Do you mean N host where host H is mentioned ?
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