netfilter-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
Hi Mart,
Mart Frauenlob wrote:
netfilter-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
Dear experts,
If a rule has a state of NEW does it implicitly imply ESTABLISHED also?
Looking at examples on the web I see references to both.
For example to permit access to an internal Web server, which of the
straw-man rules are correct?
Implicit Established Example:
iptables -a FORWARD -i eth0 --dport 80 -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT
Explicit Established Example:
iptables -a FORWARD -i eth0 --dport 80 -m state --state
both are, but both miss: '-p tcp'; and its '-A' not '-a'.
Your right a typo and a little too much of a straw-man rule here ;-)
It depends what your other rules in the ruleset do.
if you have some like:
iptables -A FORWARD -m state --ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
the first of the 2 rules above will work out, though the second will
also work, just has this redundant state descriptor (which does not
matter all).
To allow http traffic, without other rules:
yep, just for the example to fully understand the semantics.
iptables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -m tcp --dport 80 -m state --state
iptables -A FORWARD -o eth0 -m tcp --sport 80 -m state --state
As I suspected, one must explicitly defined both NEW and ESTABLISHED
in the inbound rule. Of course, it can be separated into 2 rules. But
the important point is that both are required.
Just specifying NEW is not good enough.
I got a little mixed up looking at various examples on the web, some
of which are probably snippets of a full configuration that probably
also included a rule as John Lister stated previously:
iptables -A FORWARD -m state --state RELATED, ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
such a rule is often placed as first rule in chains, because it matches
a lot of packets, thus speeding up processing.
There might be scenarios where it's appropriate to distinguish the
states into more rules, but that might be quite complex setups.
For the average ruleset these are perfect.
I guess what also got me thinking was, the Netfilter connection
track. I was thinking perhaps if a certain kind of traffic was
permitted to request a new connection with the NEW state then the
connect track engine does some magic to implicitly imply it must also
be allowed to continue a connection with the ESTABLISED. However, as i
can see from your example, one must explicitly define the "states"
within the rules. Thus, NEW to the conection track engine means only
NEW and does not also imply ESTABLISHED behind the scenes.
Similarly, I see reference to setting TCP flags as a control
measure. Particularly for port scanning etc. However sticking with
the Web server example, an internal Web Server should expect a
client to initiate a connection (SYN flag) but the server itself
should not do this.
example strawman-rules of the stateless kind:
iptables -a FORWARD -i eth0 --dport 80 --tcp-flags SYN -j ACCEPT
iptables -a FORWARD -o eth1 --sport 80 --tcp-flags ACK -j ACCEPT
The thing is, what happens after the 3-way handshake? Incoming http
requests will no longer have a SYN flag set! So is there some
implicit knowledge that netfilter or other packet filters operate over?
Same as before, you need other rules to handle that.
Usually I normalize TCP traffic, even before it hits the rules for
the servers, but if i wouldn't do it globally, I'd rather write the
rule like this:
iptables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -m tcp --dport 80 --tcp-flags SYN -m
state --state NEW -j ACCEPT
I see your using stateful operators also in the above rule. Why would
there be a need to use the stateless SYN flag operator given the NEW
operaror implicitly handles this?
Because NEW to the connection tracker means any new packet, which is not
So it's not necessarily a tcp syn packet. Explicitly defining -m tcp
--syn makes sure it's a valid tcp connection attempt.
That's why I talked about normalizing the tcp traffic. Many rulesets
place a rule like this (quite on top) to remove bad tcp packets:
iptables -N bad_tcp
iptables -A bad_tcp -p tcp ! --syn -m state --state NEW -j DROP
for c in INPUT FORWARD; do
iptables -A $c -p tcp -j bad_tcp
You might check out the iptables tutorial on frozentux, which may answer
many of your questions:
and also read this:
I have some interesting questions about flags, so what I will do is
start a thread for them as the discussion about them may get lost with
the heading of this particular thread.
Thanks so much for the comments,
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