pid-owner matcher

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Looking that the Packet Filtering HOWTO it describes an owner extension
that should allow you to match based on uid, gid, pid, and sid. However,
when i try to use the pid matching i get the following error:

bash$ sudo iptables -A OUTPUT -p TCP -m owner --pid-owner 1001 -j MARK
--set-mark 91
>> iptables v1.4.1.1: Unknown arg `--pid-owner'

it appears that pid-owner is no longer a supported option:
bash$ sudo iptables -m owner --help
>> owner match options:
[!] --uid-owner userid[-userid]      Match local UID
[!] --gid-owner groupid[-groupid]    Match local GID
[!] --socket-exists                  Match if socket exists

Is there any way to get a pid matcher anymore? What I'm trying to do is
to force all traffic generated by a particular process to use a virtual
interface eht0:1. My current approach is to first  --set-mark all such
packets with iptables and then route them using ip rule.

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