What category of Firewall does Netfilter fall under?

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Dear experts,

How would one classify netfilter?

Its seems there are at least 3 categories of firewall:
1) packet filter (stateless filtering)
2) stateful filter
3) appliaction-level filter (aka. proxy filter)

most literature, seems to refer to netfilter as a packet filter.

>From the main netfilter website and the man pages it appears it can be
classified as a stateful packet filter.

However, I also see it can do deep packet inspection at the
application layer with the L7-Filter module and from what I can tell,
with the normal String match module.

So, can netfilter be classifed as a proxy firewall as a default classification.

I can clearly see (well at least for the first 2 classifications) that
netfilter can play various roles depending on your requirements. That
is it can be either of 1,2 or 3 defined above.

Any opinions or comments on helping me pigion hole Netfilter/iptables.
Perhaps stateful filter implies packet filter also.

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