Re: postrouting and mac address

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I tried to add this debug rule:
iptables -t mangle -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -m mac --mac-source 00:e0:7d:ec:96:1b -j LOG --log-prefix "POST_MAC "

but I got this error:
ip_tables: mac match: bad hook_mask 0x10/0x7

so I can't recognize packets by mac source in postrouting chain, isn't it?


Fabio Marcone wrote:
there was a misunderstanding: "filter" I mean "recognize". I don't want to drop packets in postrouting, I know it is impossible, but I need to recognize in postrouting packet of a certain source (by mac address, not by ip).

I don't know when packets source mac address is modified by router.


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