Re: iptables problem

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On Fri, 2008-09-05 at 14:12 +0300, Cam Bazz wrote:
> Hello
> I am running a glassfish server and I need the basic requirement of
> forwarding port 80 to port 8080. Here is what I have done: (I put
> instead of my real ip adress.)
> #
> iptables -A INPUT -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT;
> iptables -A INPUT --destination -p tcp --dport 8080 -m
> conntrack --ctstate DNAT -j ACCEPT;
> iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -d -p tcp --dport 80 -j
> REDIRECT --to-port 8080;
> iptables -A INPUT -j DROP;
> iptables -I INPUT 1 -i lo -j ACCEPT;
> #
> it works fine. but here is the problem. I added another ip address
> with ip aliasing and now I got eth0:1.
> I want to run apache on port 80 on this ip.
> but no matter what I tried, I could not modify the rules so packets
> coming to eth0:1 port80 do not go to port 8080 on eth0. currently all
> packets routed to eth0:1 port80 goes to eth0 port 8080.
> any ideas/recomendations/help greatly appreciated.

The DNAT target can accept ip addresses as well as port numbers.

Matt Zagrabelny - mzagrabe@xxxxxxxxx - (218) 726 8844
University of Minnesota Duluth
Information Technology Systems & Services
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