I need a routing failover scheme to address a vpn site-to-site scenario
where branches offices have 2 wan links and a linux box with 2 ethernet
ifaces, each one reaching one wan router. Wan links should working in
active/passive failover mode. Considering start vpn tunnels from branches to
headquarter, the problem is:
At each branch, I need to choose one of the 2 wan routers as the linux box
default gateway. For failover work, I need some mechanism to monitor the
active/master link, like icmp/ping, and change the gateway to the
passive/backup link when the active/master link fails, and change back when
the active/master link becomes up again. If I address this with a routing
scheme, the vpn on demand tunnel from branch to headquarter work transparent
above it.
On headquarter and on each branch I will use a linux box. I thinking in use
openvpn as vpn server and client (I have low know hall of openvpn), but
other vpn solutions, like ipsec, can be suggested! On branches, a fast and
cheap DSL link (should be the active/master link) and a realiable and slower
128kbps PPP link (should be the passive/backup link). Tunnels can be started
from any side, from headquarter or from branches, but I will consider start
tunnels from branches to headquarter for this scenario, I can change this
view, no problem.
Should iproute2 address such solution?
I ask about it in openvpn-users list, one people answer that he use linux
eql driver driver to form a logical connection and a little bit of scripting
to continuously monitor the tunnels and add or remove them from the bundle
if needed.
As a comparision, as logn I know, Cisco solution use IPSLA as the monitoring
scheme and on the start vpn tunnel box a list of 2 vpn servers to reach (one
master and one backup), to address such failover environment.
I will appreciate ny sugestions!
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