Re: firewall traffic simulation

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Thanks Ron for the reply

I could easily do that by having 2 computer and test the firewall script by pinging, nmap traffic generators etc. But unfortunately i have to demonstrate in a means of showing to my academic supervisor what i have produced. At least as much as i can since firewalls require Internet presense and connected clients to function.

Is there any program which adds virtual ethernet drivers on a Unix machine ? I search on the internet but i couldn't find any


From: "R. DuFresne" <dufresne@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: P theodorou <props666999@xxxxxxxxxxx>
CC: netfilter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: firewall traffic simulation Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2006 12:11:35 -0500 (EST)

Hash: SHA1

On Tue, 31 Jan 2006, P theodorou wrote:


I need to demonstrate my firewall script to my supervisor. Unfortunately there is no Internet connection at my supervisor's office. Moreover the Iptables script assumes the usual eth0( ISP) and 2 clients( LAN). My laptop has just eth0 and threfore will be no connected to any other clients.

My question is : Is there a way to demonstrate the functionality(SNAT,DNAT etc) of this script somehow ?

What do you mean by "demonstrate"? How would running a script that goes "blip" and sets up a number of rules behind the scenes be in any sense a demo? If you has set up a mail server, or an auth server or even an ftp server, how might you go about demo'ing it's functionality? You need to actually *think* about what you are trying to accomplish. Are you merely showing the super the rules so he can audit those to make sure they do what you claim they might? That's not really a demo, at least not from my perspective. Are you actually needing to pass traffic through the firewall to show how the rules you have in place block and allow varying forms of traffic? Then you need to log into a system outside the firewall and show how trying this work and those does not. Then also log into a system behind the firewall and pass traffic of varying forms to demo how this is allowed and works that this is not allowed and does not work.

The key here is to sit and *think* about what you need to accomplish and how or what your super needs to see to show to him/her what you have completed.

So, is it possible to demo that a firewall script works as designed, the answer is yes. Now how do you go about demonstrating that? *think* about what is required and then design something that shows that.


Ron DuFresne
- -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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