Stock RH FC4 kernel, 2.6.11 - no modification or patches. I have a special script that generates the correct iptables settings from a configuration file. Basic NAT, Routing, and IN/OUT capability. Everything that comes into INPUT, OUTPUT, and FORWARD goes through the following logic: 1. We check the state to see if it is RELATED,ESTABLISHED, if yes, jump ACCEPT 2. Log, we log the inbound packet, indicating which chain it is coming on (INPUT, OUTPUT, FORWARD). 3. check against a "DROP" list of addresses we reject all traffic to/from. 4. check against "allow" rules 5. log and Drop the packet. Well, we've run into an intermittent problem. What we are seeing is after different amounts of time (sometimes a few hours, sometimes several weeks) suddenly forwarding breaks. It just doesn't forward anything that is D or S NATed. We iptables-save > file and check it all over, and the logic is all in place just like I list above. At a minimum things hitting the forward chain should at least get logged, but they don't, the only logging is INPUT and OUTPUT. We can turn right around and cat file | iptables-restore and "magically" it all starts working again. It's like it just needs to be bumped every once in a while to make it keep running. Any ideas? Are there some kernel logging things we can try or other things we need to be looking at to determine this problem? We don't touch anything except the iptables-restore to make it work again, so things like /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward aren't touched at all to make it work. Thanks for any ideas and all help!