Re: make a DNAT requesting source

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On Monday 2005-October-24 10:25, Felipe Alcacibar wrote:
> Hi to all, i have the next problem.

Um, no, I think I was scheduled to have the next problem. Yours is the 
previous one. ;)

> I have 2 machines, one, listen from port 80 of ip alias
> and another ip alias, and the other machine have listen a
> webserver in the port 8001 with a ip alias, y succesfully
> make a connection from the to thought the
> first machine, but the packages don't go back, because does
> not route the packages to, and i can't do it, because the

I think (if I understand this) that source routing is your answer.

echo -e '10\tten' >> /etc/iproute2/rt_tables # names are friendlier to
# use than numbers. Both can be what you want, 10 and ten are examples.
# This just makes a routing table name you can use. It's optional; you
# can use the number in place of the table name.

ip rule add from table ten
# Says that if the source IP is, to use the "ten" routing
# table.

ip route add default via table ten
# The "ten" table has as its default gateway.

ip route flush cache

> idea is listen 3 webservers listen on different ports with the same
> case, how i can do a DNAT, queryng the source of the package, because
> i need in the machine 2, the packages outgoing from from
> port 8001 go to an this route the package with masqued

You might have to use mangle -j MARK and an ip rule command to put that 
"fwmark" in the "ten" table.

There might also be a pure netfilter solution with the -j ROUTE target. 
I have not done any of this, but I hope it points you in the right 
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