I was making some tests with STUN when I realize that my NAT box was a
simple Linux Box with an IPTABLES rule with a MASQ target. What seemed
strange to me was that the STUN result was "Port restricted cone ".
I made a new with NATcheck.exe... same result.
I was sure IPTABLES NAT was Symmetric and not Port restricted cone. What
about it ?
In the "Procceding of NetFilter Developer WorkShop 2004", Harald Welte
reported "
netfilter however implements (SNAT and MASQ) as ssymmetric.
For me, with MASQ it is Port restricted cone and with SNAT+DNAT it is
Symmetric. Is it true ?
Olivier GRALL
R&D Engineer *NeoTIP** S.A.*
4, rue Louis de Broglie
22300 Lannion
olivier.grall@xxxxxxxxxx <mailto:olivier.grall@xxxxxxxxxx> +33 (0)2 96
48 66 94