--- Henrik Nordstrom wrote: > On Sat, 1 Oct 2005, Lore wrote: > > > I'm facing the problem to understand the > destination > > of an OUTGOING tcp packet caught by the chain > > iptables -t filter -A OUTPUT -j QUEUE > > > > The destination address field in the ip header has > my > > ip while the real destination is another. > > Are you sure you look at the destination IP and not > the source IP? > > If unsure send a hex dump of the packet for us to > ponder at. > > Regards > Henrik > Hi, At the moment I'm not able to run the program as root. But what follow is the code that shows me the wrong IP. //START OF CODE --CUT-- ipq_set_mode(QHandle,IPQ_COPY_PACKET,256); --CUT-- ipq_read(QHandle,pacchetto,256,0); --CUT-- pckfiltrato=ipq_get_packet(pacchetto); iph=((struct iphdr *)pckfiltrato->payload); printf("S_ADDR:%s,D_ADDR:%s\n", inet_ntoa(iph->saddr), inet_ntoa(iph->daddr)); --CUT-- //END OF CODE As I'm in a Lan trying to connect to one of the computers at univiersity I should read S_ADDR:,D_ADDR: but I read: S_ADDR:,D_ADDR: I Compared my code with a lot of similar examples on the net and they all look similar. because of this I thought it was a feature that could be switched in iptables. If it isn't so please, let me know and I'll try to post the Hex Dump you requested ASAP. Thank you very much. Lore ___________________________________ Yahoo! Mail: gratis 1GB per i messaggi e allegati da 10MB http://mail.yahoo.it