Problem reexplained.....

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Let me reexplain the problem plz
>From src starts some traffic that goes
to the this is the eth1 of the laptop
The laptop has also one more interface the
that is connected back to back (cross cable) with the
interface of an other pc with ip address
IO want the traffic that reaches reach
This is the first step.. when i succesfully implement
this then the next step is to forward this traffic
from the pc to a second pc... ( i ll use the same
methodology if step one works)
So now we can only focus to the first step
Plz take in mind that i dont have any firewall enables
/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward is set to 1. I have no
other iptables rules applied... I will only apply what
u ll write to do..
Before applying any iptables rules firstly i do
iptables -F 
iptables -F -t nat
(if more flush commands are necessary plz say it so)
So i need your help to implement this simple task

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