Re: DMZ howto

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P theodorou wrote:
I had a look on the NAT Howto , unfortunately explains the concept in brief
therefore im thinking some things to be done
1) the Apache will be hosted on (eth2)
and my dynamic ip is something  (eth0)

somehow i declare
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --d --dport 8080 -j DNAT --to

-the above line my not beeing correct- so i redirect whatever touches to the
internal threfore conclusion 2 i need a static ip
or a should never reboot the computer ! right ?

Not necessarily. There are some options.

1.) Instead of DNATing everything that is destined for to the other box - which (if i understand
    correctly) means every port -, you could DNAT everything
    that is destined to port 8080 to the other box. This means
    omitting -d And at the very minimum, you
    must SNAT everything that leaves the box towards the internet.
    You can add the incoming interface, like -i ppp0.
2.) Register with DynDNS or the like. Then write your rule like this:
    ... -p tcp --dport 8080 -d ...
    Do an iptables-save and every time your IP changes do
    an iptables-restore. You may like to write a script.
3.) Other things that may come to mind :)



Please clarify

ps i phoned up my ISP they ask 5 pounds per month for static ip

From: "José R. \"Xous\" Negreira"<xous@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: netfilter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: DMZ howto
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 23:47:36 -0300


First of all, technically and strictly speaking...a DMZ is not (always) a subnet. A DMZ is a independent network with a completely different IP ranges. you can have an internal network of network, and a DMZ, just to say some example.... Possible question: But...may it be a subnet?? Yes! of course...but it's not a must!

Your question:
My  ISP assigns me  a dynamic ip , therefore, is that a limitation
that could not allow me to develop the dmz subnet ?

short answer:
No, there's no limitation, AFAIK

long answer:
So now you have some doubts about the IP assigments huh?. Well...first of all, put the DMZ concept aside. Just to clarify concepts...I tell you more, it shouldn't bother too much this!

You want to publish a web server, and the problem is how people outside reach to your web server. If you have a static IP, there's no problem. People will reach you by typing http://xx.xx.xx.xx in the browser, being the xx.xx.. your IP address. But...that means that you have a web server INSTALLED on the firewall.... too bad. You want to have it on another machine, right?

You will have a public IP, it doesn't matter if it's static or dynamic. In both cases, you'll want to use FORWARDING, and NAT (Network Address Translation), and that's now actually your real problem. What you do is simply 'touching' each packet header that traverses on the firewall, and redirecting wherever *you* want.

Suppose that you have not one machine, but 3 webservers, but... Oh My god, you have only one IP!! Well, using NAT, you can (for example) let people access to each webserver by typing:
http://xx.xx.xx.xx:80 (redirect to serverA, port 80)
http://xx.xx.xx.xx:81 (redirect to serverB, port 80)
http://xx.xx.xx.xx:82 (redirect to serverC, port 80)

How to do NAT? The answer is on the question: (Recommended reading - NAT HOWTO)

So, as you can see, your network(s) on the outside, is reduced to only one host (the firewall), behind it, it doesn't matter if it is just the firewall itself, a small network, one small network, one big network, or..... two or more *networks* (yes, you can return DMZ concept here!)!!. From the outside, it's transparent!!

Well, re-reading this answer, it seemed to me like a big "concept salad", but... tryied a shot, hope it helped a bit! :)
And good luck!


Jose R. "Xous" Negreira. - <--  ** new!!! ** :P
XousLAB -
iptableslinux -

P theodorou escribió:

Thank all of you for the replies,

i have now a good understanding of
the subject but before proceed  into building the dmz subnet i need
to ask something :

My  ISP assigns me  a dynamic ip , therefore, is that a limitation
that could not allow me to develop the dmz subnet ?

Is that correct or inacurrate ? Visitors shall need to type my ip to
access my webpage,  but what im interesting is the development
of the firewall itselfin terms of securing a network . It will never be
used for real casesit is just for me to understand.
the script that i have suggesetd uses static ip

# 1.1 Internet Configuration.
Can i develop dmz subnet without static ip   and dmz'ed services
to be accessed on the Internet?



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