Hello I am using kernel 2.4.20 (Montavista Linux) and iptables v1.2.8. When I try to add a rule with target TOS or DSCP: iptables -t mangle -A OUTPUT -j TOS -set-tos 0x10 I get the error message: Iptabels: No chain/target/match by that name I understand this message such as the command is not supported by the kernel. The mangle table is loaded with the OUTPUT chain. I have tested the same syntax on a system running iptables v1.2.11 and kernel 2.6.8 which works fine. I have also verified that the same set of kernel modules is loaded (ip_tables, iptable_filter, iptable_mangle, ipt_TOS) on both machines. One observation is that the working system has a /proc/net/ip_tables_targets file while this file is missing on the v1.2.8 system.. My question is if anyone knows if this problem is related to iptables v1.2.8, or if it can be any other sources for the problem? Since we are running on an embedded target with the need of cross-compiling etc I would like avoid modification on our kernel projects if possible. Regards Kjell Ove