Please do not top-post. Thank you. On Tuesday 2005-August-30 10:22, InfoMail wrote: > this is the rule and below is the error .. is this ment to work > > $IPTAB -A OUTPUT -p tcp -o eth0 -s 0/0 -d -j DROP > ##$IPTAB -A FORWARD -s 0/0 -d -m state --state NEW > -j DROP To do this most effectively, consider using HTTP proxy servers, like Squid ( ). Again you're not explicit about your goal. Allow me to give an example: "I want to block all HTTP access to servers at, for hosts in my NAT'ed network." Squid is the best means of that; my DNS hijacking idea in the other post might also work, although it would also affect anything else resolving from, not just HTTP. Or: "I want to block all access, all protocols, to all Microsoft servers, from my host and from NAT'ed hosts." Say what it is you want to do! I sense also a likely misunderstanding of the roles of the built-in chains. OUTPUT only affects traffic which originated on the machine itself. If you're wanting to block NAT'ed traffic, you need to do this in FORWARD. Please see "man iptables". > starting rules for NATing > iptables v1.2.11: host/network `' not found > Try `iptables -h' or 'iptables --help' for more information. The problem here is that at the time your script tries to run that iptables command, your rules do not yet allow DNS access to your nameserver[s]. -- mail to this address is discarded unless "/dev/rob0" or "not-spam" is in Subject: header