Hi, > If says I can drop "some P2P" like kazaa and ares, is there a list of p2p > networks that can be dropped. Try iptables -m ipp2p --help IPP2P v0.7.2 options: --ipp2p Grab all known p2p packets --ipp2p-data Identify all known p2p download commands (obsolete) --edk [TCP&UDP] All known eDonkey/eMule/Overnet packets --dc [TCP] All known Direct Connect packets --kazaa [TCP&UDP] All known KaZaA packets --gnu [TCP&UDP] All known Gnutella packets --bit [TCP&UDP] All known BitTorrent packets --apple [TCP] All known AppleJuice packets (beta - just a few tests until now) --winmx [TCP] All known WinMX (beta - need feedback) --soul [TCP] All known SoulSeek (beta - need feedback!) --ares [TCP] All known Ares - use with DROP only (beta - need feedback!) --edk-data [TCP] eDonkey/eMule/Overnet download commands (obsolete) --dc-data [TCP] Direct Connect download command (obsolete) --kazaa-data [TCP] KaZaA download command (obsolete) --gnu-data [TCP] Gnutella download command (obsolete) Regards, - Ruben