TC+IMQ+IPtables problem

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I am attempting to execute iptables -t mangle -A MYSHAPER-IN -j IMQ in a 
bandwidth shaping script ( and 
I am getting the error message iptables: No chain/target/match by that 
name.  From what I can tell everything is setup correctly, and my 
shaping script is just a variant of a wider used shaping script...  I 
cannot for the life of me figure out why it's doing this.  I have built 
IMQ into both the Kernel and IPTABLES.  I've also attempted putting 
--todev 0 after the line I am trying to execute.

I am running the following:

Linux version (root@nix) (gcc version 3.3.5-20050130 (Gentoo 
Linux, ssp-, pie- #11 SMP Wed 
Aug 10 09:32:12 MST 2005

tc utility, iproute2-ss050310

ipchains 1.3.10, 1-Sep-2000

iptables v1.3.3

My IPTABLES was patched with:

My Kernel was patched with:

Thank you in advance for all the help contributed.  There are a few 
debug files of mine available at

Thanks again,

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