I know enough to realize that it didn't stop working just because it hates me: most likely, i changed something in the configuration or something to make it stop working. However, I can't think of anyting I could have done to two different machines to make them stop working in exactly that same way. Basically, every SSH attempt skips the return to the input chain and jumps directly to log/drop or log/tarpit. I've tried increasing the --hitcount, tried rebooting or otherwise restarting the network service, tried using a different --name in recet, etc. I have tried all the following scripts (I can paste their contents in if requested but it would be rather annoying because of their combined length) with no success. Any ideas on what might have happened? Kernel version and iptables version didn't change, the recent module loads with no errors, and all the iptables commands to insert rules complete with no errors. Links to variations that I tried with no success: http://curby.net/doc/testwall1 http://curby.net/doc/testwall2 http://curby.net/doc/testwall3 http://curby.net/doc/testwall4 Hopefully it's a really simple typo or something, though with all the variations I've tried, I'm starting to doubt that simple explanation. What might the problem be? Thanks!