Re: SSH Brute force attacks

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Grant: I think you've put together the basis for a FAQ on recent/TARPIT here -- and I like yer attitude *grin*

Thank you. Feel free to use my work any where. After all we are just trying to help the community. All I ask is that you say something along the lines that the idea was posted to the netfilter mailing list, for more info or comments look for Grant there. :)

As far as the attitude goes I'm probably (or at least I'd like to think that I am) one the nicest / easiest to get along with systems administrators you will find.  However if you are trying to break in to my network I could be one of the meanest too....

Oskar A:

If you'd like I can buff the following up some, but I think this deserves a mention in the iptables tutorial:

Do what ever you would like. If you would like some more attitude or slightly reworded attitude drop me a line (on or off the list) and I'll be glad to give you some. :)

Grant. . . .

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