Igor Popov wrote:
Hi all,
It there iptables module(something like mport), but that matches a set of
source or destination ip addresses:
iptables -A ... -p ... -m megamatcher -s ip1,ip2,...-d ip1,ip2,... -j ...
If the IPs in question are in a subnet you can always specify the subnet it's self. I.e.
iptables -A ... -p ... -s -d ... -j ...
You might want to take a look at the set match. Set uses an external program (ipset?) to create and maintain the sets that are matched against. I think set will allow you to have multiple IPs in it that are not necessarily in the same subnet or contiguous. So that may do it for you. I have not messed with ipset so I'm not much help for you. Though a read of the man for it should help.
Grant. . . .