Re: Access control script for Public Library

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On Thu, 2005-03-31 at 15:37 -0500, mark@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> Hello - 
> I am a complete iptables newbie who is trying to re-write a wireless hotspot
> script that I found on the net to control internet access for our library patrons. 
> I found the script at: 
> I am trying to re-write it so that I can use squid and dansguardian to proxy and
> filter the web. I need it to transparently proxy. I have a system set up now
> that uses squid to grant or deny access, but it can only block web access; I my
> need is for a firewall that can block all network access so that a given PC
> can't chat or play online games as well as surf the net after time has run out.
> The script, as far as I have gotten, works well. When I fire it up, my test PC
> can't go anywhere except the sign up page (which it is redirected to no matter
> what), and when I add the PC to the access list (by typing add <ip>
> <mac>), that PC is able to surf. 
> My problem comes in when I try to do the transparent proxy part. when I try to
> add the rule: 
> iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 8080
> To the script, it does not work, and dansguardian will not even start. I have
> played around with various permutations of this rule, and have gotten nowhere. 
> Can anybody help? 
> Thanks - 
> Mark Ehle
> =======
> Following is the script ( as far as I have it:
> #!/bin/bash
> ###############################################################################
> #   name:
> # author: Mark Ehle
> #   date: 03-30-05
> # with much thanks given to Folkert Saathoff at
> ###############################################################################
> #===========================
> # variables
> #===========================
> # command-line arguments
> IP=$2
> MAC=$3
> # program locations
> IPTABLES=/sbin/iptables
> MODPROBE=/sbin/modprobe
> DEPMOD=/sbin/depmod
> # Local Network variables
> LAN_GW=""
> LAN_NET=""
> LAN_INT="eth1"
> # External network variables
> EXT_INT_IP="<insert external interface ip here>"
> EXT_INT="eth0"
> #Name Server IP
> NS="insert Name server ip here"
> #===========================
> # subroutines
> #===========================
> load_modules() {
>     $DEPMOD -a
>     for module in "ip_conntrack ip_tables iptable_filter iptable_mangle
> iptable_nat ipt_LOG ipt_limit ipt_MASQUERADE"; do
>         $MODPROBE $module 
>     done
>     return
> }
> start_ip_forwarding() {
>     echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
>     return
> }
> show_usage()
> {
>     echo "usage:"
>     echo "$COMMAND reset"
>     echo "$COMMAND add IP MAC"
>     echo "$COMMAND del IP MAC"
>     exit 1;
> }
> fferror()
> {
>     echo "^_^'"
>     echo "error setting netfilter: $ACTION"
>     exit 1
> }
> flush_tables() {
>     for TABLE in filter nat mangle; do
>         for SWITCH in F X Z; do
>             $IPTABLES -t $TABLE -$SWITCH
>         done
>     done
>     return
> }
> create_new_chains() {
>     #filter chain for accepting authenticated clients 
>     $IPTABLES -t filter -N fclient
>     #filter chain for not rerouting authenticated clients 
>     $IPTABLES -t nat -N dclient
>     #filter chain for routing from authenticated clients 
>     $IPTABLES -t nat -N sclient
>     #default filter policy is DROP
>     $IPTABLES -t filter -P INPUT DROP
>     $IPTABLES -t filter -P OUTPUT DROP
>     $IPTABLES -t filter -P FORWARD DROP
>     return
> }
> reset_firewall() {
>     load_modules
>     start_ip_forwarding
>     flush_tables
>     create_new_chains
>     #allow all local traffic
>     $IPTABLES -t filter -A  INPUT -i lo0 -j ACCEPT
>     $IPTABLES -t filter -A OUTPUT -o lo0 -j ACCEPT
>     #allow all icmp traffic self<->lan
>     $IPTABLES -t filter -A  INPUT -i $LAN_INT -s $LAN_NET -d $LAN_GW -p icmp -j
>     $IPTABLES -t filter -A OUTPUT -o $LAN_INT -s $LAN_GW -d $LAN_NET -p icmp -j
>     #allow all icmp traffic self<->inet
>     $IPTABLES -t filter -A  INPUT -i $EXT_INT -d $EXT_INT_IP -p icmp -j ACCEPT
>     $IPTABLES -t filter -A OUTPUT -o $EXT_INT -s $EXT_INT_IP -p icmp -j ACCEPT
>     #allow dhcp traffic self<->lan
>     $IPTABLES -t filter -A  INPUT -i $LAN_INT -s -d -p
> udp --dport 67:68 -j ACCEPT 
>     $IPTABLES -t filter -A OUTPUT -o $LAN_INT -s $LAN_GW -d $LAN_NET -p udp
> --sport 67:68 -j ACCEPT
>     #allow all web traffic self<->lan
>     for PORT in 80 443; do
>         $IPTABLES -t filter -A  INPUT -i $LAN_INT -s $LAN_NET -d $LAN_GW -p tcp
> --dport $PORT -j ACCEPT
>         $IPTABLES -t filter -A OUTPUT -o $LAN_INT -s $LAN_GW -d $LAN_NET -p tcp
> --sport $PORT -j ACCEPT
>     done
>     #allow all ssh and smb traffic to/from self
>     for PORT in 22 139; do
>         $IPTABLES -t filter -A  INPUT -p tcp --dport $PORT -j ACCEPT
>         $IPTABLES -t filter -A OUTPUT -p tcp --sport $PORT -j ACCEPT
>     done
>     # allow dns
>     $IPTABLES -t filter -A OUTPUT  -o $EXT_INT -s $EXT_INT_IP -d $NS -p udp
> --dport 53 -j ACCEPT
>     $IPTABLES -t filter -A  INPUT  -i $EXT_INT -s $NS -d $EXT_INT_IP -p udp
> --sport 53 -j ACCEPT
>     $IPTABLES -t filter -A FORWARD -i $LAN_INT -o $EXT_INT -s $LAN_NET -d $NS -p
> udp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT 
>     $IPTABLES -t filter -A FORWARD -i $EXT_INT -o $LAN_INT -s $NS -d $LAN_NET -p
> udp --sport 53 -j ACCEPT 
>     #enable source network address translation for dns
>     $IPTABLES -t nat -A POSTROUTING  -s $LAN_NET -p udp --dport 53 -d $NS -o
>     #check for allowed clients -> inet
>     $IPTABLES -t filter -A FORWARD -i $LAN_INT -o $EXT_INT -s $LAN_NET -j fclient
>     #reject all other clients
>     $IPTABLES -t filter -A FORWARD -i $LAN_INT -o $EXT_INT -s $LAN_NET -j REJECT
> --reject-with icmp-net-prohibited
>     #allow established connections lan<->inet
>     $IPTABLES -t filter -A FORWARD -i $EXT_INT -o $LAN_INT -d $LAN_NET -m state
>     #snat traffic from authenticated clients
>     $IPTABLES -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s $LAN_NET -d ! $LAN_NET -j sclient    
>     #do not dnat traffic from authenticated clients
>     $IPTABLES -t nat -A PREROUTING -i $LAN_INT -d ! $LAN_GW -j dclient
>     #enable dnat to self for all web traffic
>     for PORT in 80 443; do
>         $IPTABLES -t nat -A PREROUTING -i $LAN_INT -d ! $LAN_GW -p tcp --dport
> $PORT -j DNAT --to $LAN_GW
>     done
>     #add default REJECT rule (just more polite than DROP)
>         $IPTABLES -t filter -A $CHAIN -j REJECT;
>     done
>     return
> }
> add_usage() {
>     echo "usage:"
>     echo "$COMMAND add IP MAC"
>     exit 1;
> }
> run_add() {
>     [ "ff"$IP != "ff" ] || show_addclient_usage; [ "ff"$MAC != "ff" ] || add_usage
>     #add client
>     $IPTABLES -t filter -A fclient -s $IP -m mac --mac-source $MAC -j ACCEPT   
>         || fferror $?
>     $IPTABLES -t nat    -A dclient -s $IP -m mac --mac-source $MAC -j ACCEPT   
>         || fferror $?
>     $IPTABLES -t nat    -A sclient -s $IP -d ! $LAN_NET -j SNAT --to $EXT_INT_IP
>        || fferror $?
>     echo "added Client: IP $IP MAC $MAC";
>     return
> }
> del_usage() {
>     echo "usage:"
>     echo "$COMMAND del IP MAC"
>     exit 1;
> }
> run_del() {
>     [ "ff"$IP != "ff" ] || show_delClient_usage; [ "ff"$MAC != "ff" ] || del_usage
>     #delete client
>     $IPTABLES -t filter -D fclient -s $IP -m mac --mac-source $MAC -j ACCEPT ||
> fferror $?
>     $IPTABLES -t nat -D dclient -s $IP -m mac --mac-source $MAC -j ACCEPT ||
> fferror $?
>     $IPTABLES -t nat -D sclient -s $IP -d ! $LAN_NET -j SNAT --to $EXT_INT_IP ||
> fferror $?
>     echo "removed Client: IP $IP MAC $MAC";
>     return
> }
> #===========================
> # Main 
> #=========================== 
> case "$ACTION" in
>     reset ) reset_firewall;;
>     add   ) run_add;;
>     del   ) run_del;;
>     *     ) show_usage;;
> esac
> exit
This may be a silly, off the cuff reply, but, in your rules allowing
traffic within the gateway, do you want interface lo0 as you have
written or lo?
John A. Sullivan III
Open Source Development Corporation
+1 207-985-7880

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