On Thu, 2005-02-10 at 07:34, Micah James Sergey wrote: > hello, i have my computer hooked up through a router and would like to > use my computer as a server. ive set up the router so it forwards port > 80 to the to-be server. however, i have no idea how to set up the > iptables so the server accepts stuff. id really appreciate it if someone > would send me the commands for doing so. it'd also be nice if they could > explain what each line does. might i suggest a perusal of: http://iptables-tutorial.frozentux.net/iptables-tutorial.html that way--you don't have to rely on what we tell you. but since we're in the age of "instant gratification is too slow" i'll take a stab at it... if i understand you correctly--you have a router (not running iptables) that is forwarding port 80 to $INSIDE_MACHINE_IP and you're running iptables on $INSIDE_MACHINE and need to know how to allow port 80 traffic in to it. if that's correct: # start fresh--flush all rules and set filter policies to ACCEPT for t in mangle nat filter; do iptables -t $t -F iptables -t $t -X iptables -t $t -Z done for c in INPUT OUTPUT FORWARD; do iptables -P $c ACCEPT done # set the INPUT policy to DROP iptables -P INPUT DROP # allow input packets that are part of an established connection iptables -A INPUT -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT # allow HTTP requests in iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --syn --dport 80 -j ACCEPT # more rules, depending on your setup [ ... ] # allow loopback traffic iptables -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT # log anything which is about to dropped by the chain policy iptables -A INPUT -m limit --limit 12/min --limit-burst 3 \ -j LOG --log-prefix "FW DROP INPUT: " -j -- "Look, just give me some inner peace, or I'll mop the floor with ya!" --The Simpsons