Hello, I'm looking for documentation about iptables performance. In particular, I've created some kind of "SNMP/TACACS+ proxy", which is basically an iptables doing NAT for 161/162-udp and 49/tcp ports, and I need to make measures of the number of destination "SNMP/TACACS+ hosts" it could support and the latency penalties involved when the number of these hosts grow. Basically, the (summarized) rules would be: # SNMP-Trap iptables -A PREROUTING -t nat -p udp -s $cpe -d $proxy --dport 162 -j DNAT --to $prov # SNMP-Get y similares iptables -A POSTROUTING -t nat -p udp -s $prov -d $cpe --dport 161 -j SNAT --to $proxy # TACACS+ iptables -A PREROUTING -t nat -p tcp --dport 49 -s $cpe -d $proxy -j DNAT --to ${tacacs}:$tacacs_port iptables -A POSTROUTING -t nat -p tcp --sport $tacacs_port -s $tacacs -d $cpe -j SNAT --to ${proxy}:49 These 4 basic rules compose the body of a "for" structure, so the total number of rules are indeed 4 * <number of CPEs> (CPE=Host being accessed by snmp). Basically I'd need to know the maximum number of CPEs permited in my machine (1 CPU: Intel(R) Pentium(R) III CPU family 1133MHz ; Memory: 512 MB) Any ideas on how to measure it? Are there any tools (or scripts) to perform these kind of tests? Based on your experience could you guess some aproximation (at least the order of the limit: 100, 1000, 10000, etc) of the number of CPEs that could be supported? Is there any documents (apart from netfilter source) describing internal iptables behaviour regarding performance? For instance, when doing NAT, what's a typical limit for the number of permited entries in NAT internal tables, etc... Thanks in advance. Your help will be appreciated. Regards, -Roman