Re: OS Fingerprint

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On 11/29/04 17:12, Daniel Chemko wrote:
> Vlado Had wrote:
>>hi, could somebody help me, how can i change
>>osfingerprint in packets?
> Do some homework. Basically a scanner uses inherent flaws in a packet
> response to determine the destination machine, but it could also use the
> fingerprint of the services running on the PC. Ex. if I implement 100%
> faking on the networking part of my stealthing, but leave apache open,
> the apache could say Redhat Linux blahblahblah and give it all away to
> the hacker. It isn't just 'change TOS to random', or MSS to y, or block
> all n packets to port q. Those are some OS fingerprint examples, but the
> technique is a lot more detailed. If in doubt, tear open the nmap code!
>The IP Personality patch may be a solution, although it could only do so 
>much as pointed out above (running network processes giving you away, 
>etc) ... "";

>Unfortunately, it doesn't appear to be actively maintained any longer.. 
 > Linux 2.4.18 and iptables 1.2.2 were the last official releases, with 
>a 2.4.20 patch here that doesn't seem to have ever made it onto the 
>official download page.

>Additionaly, some OS fingerprinting tools such as p0f can be tricked by 
>carefully modifying sysctl values such as ip_default_ttl, etc as they 
>rely on matching a certain profile.


but ippersonality can't support kernel 2.4.27 and iptables 1.2.11?

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