I have a somewhat odd scenario that requires the same pools of 192.168 IPs to be bound to eth1 and eth2 on the same machine. I need to NAT another pool of 10.x.x.x IPs bound to eth0 to these two pools of 192.168 IPs. The setup is as follows: eth0: -> eth1: eth0: -> eth1: eth0: -> eth1: eth0: -> eth1: eth0: -> eth1: eth0: -> eth1: eth0: -> eth2: eth0: -> eth2: eth0: -> eth2: eth0: -> eth2: eth0: -> eth2: eth0: -> eth2: Suse 8.1 has no problem letting me bind the same IPs to eth1 and eth2, since eth1 and eth2 are not on the same physical network. However, I am having problems writing my NAT rules for this scenario. Is this scenario doable under iptables? TIA, Kevin