Re: Port forwarding

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On Thu, 2004-10-28 at 00:30, Mike wrote:
> Hi All
> I bet this has been asked many times before but I have searched and
> searched trying to find the answer.
> Is it possible to port forward one port from the outside world to many
> clients inside the LAN. I have it working fine for single addresses and
> it seems I can list each IP forward individually so that
> narc-forward.conf ends up huge as each line goes in for each IP address
> on the network with the same port.
> The question basically is to find out if there is anyway that a range of
> IP addresses can be stipulated easily in narc-forward.conf???
> Mike

no.  the quad of:


is unique.

once you create a rule that says "translate packets from any IP address
destined for to" no other rule that tries to map will match.

this is not a limitation of netfilter--just a fact of life.

you either need (a) more public IP's, or (b) some sort of
application-level proxy that can redirect the traffic to multiple hosts
based on the application-level data.

in the case of HTTP, you could use squid or apache+mod_rewrite to take a
single and redirect to multiple servers based on host-header
redirection, or full URL rewriting.


Jason Opperisano <opie@xxxxxxxxxxx>

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