Hi all, I'm currently undertaking a final year project at university. My chosen project is to develop a distributed firewall application - I intend to use a centralised security policy which is applied to hosts as they enter the LAN - using iptables to do the packet filtering. Iptables seems pretty straightforward but I'm having trouble with a few concepts - I'm probably just missing the mark:). I wish to use java as the implementation language - what are people's thoughts on this? I'll probably code my own classes to mirror the functionality of iptables - e.g. table, chain, target etc. These would subsequently be used to create the rules in text form - just a matter of applying them! The user would create the central policy using some GUI, specifying which machines are able to talk to which server ports etc - the rules for each machine would be created and applied via some sort of service. I'll probably use certificates for host authentication - if the machine cannot provide the correct credentials the central policy server fires out iptables rules to all authd machines to block the imposter! I'm intending to use a block unless explicitly allowed approach, originally I was thinking say if machine x could speak to ftp on server y that I'd adjust both x and y's rules to set this up - however now I'm thinking that who cares about x, if y accepts ftp connections from x then all good but if not then y will block x so no need to tell x:)? Also, if x is not a server therefore x would not need to accept any incoming connections just make outgoing connections and receive their information therefore I could block all incoming connections to x unless they match an outgoing connection. - is that a dumb idea;)? However I'd like to have some functionality beyond this, for example I'd like to have some way of recognising when a user launches an application requiring internet access - and update the rules accordingly (if the central policy for that user allows it!) - how would you do application level blocking using iptables, is this even possible or is Iptables too low level for that?. Furthering that I'd like to have individual rules for each user - however am I correct in thinking that iptables rules are per machine not per user - they affect all users of that machine; does anyone have ideas on a solution to allow multiple logon machines to have user level rules? Please tell me if I'm crazy trying to create a distributed firewall using iptables :)! Regards, Jolyon Gray