Re: icmp unreachable - need to frag

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On Sun, 2004-10-24 at 01:50, John Wells wrote:
> Gentlemen,
> I'm having a perplexing problem with icmp unreachable packets.  I'm
> running TaoLinux with kernel 2.4.21 and iptables v.1.2.8.
> I have a network setup that includes a DSL connection to the internet, and
> internal lan, and an wireless lan that can connect to the internal lan via
> a PPTP VPN (due to lack of a good ipsec client for Mac OSX).

huh?  OSX has the BSD IPSec stack in its kernel.  if you don't wanna
edit text files to configure it--try:

> It essentially looks like this:
> All wireless clients (after authenticated with PPTP):
> All internal LAN clients:
> A VPN server/router sits between the wireless and internal lan, with two
> interfaces that has a address, and one that has
> a address.  The router takes traffic from the wireless clients
> and masquerades it into the internal network.  If the traffic from the
> wireless clients is destined for the Internet, the packets are again
> MASQ'd on that outbound connection from the internal lan.
> This has worked for some time with only one eMac (MacOSX) connecting from
> the wireless network.  No problems whatsoever.  However, this past week, I
> added a Windows XP laptop to the mix.  It appeared, at first, to be
> working, and indeed it is for most sites.  However, accessing certain
> sites from the laptop...slashdot, wikipedia,, cause icmp
> unreachable messages to be sent.  For example, here's an attempt to
> connect to slashdot:
[ snip ]
> I'm no expert regarding this sort of stuff, but logic suggested that the
> problem was with the mtu somewhere on the path.  I did note that the MTU
> on the ppp0 (pptp) interface was 896, so I tried increasing this value. 

ACK!  don't do that.

> No luck, same behavior.  This was also true if I tried to lower it.
> I'm at a loss for what to try, and my research hasn't run across anything
> substantial.  Scrapping the XP laptop is not an option, unfortunately. 
> The eMac continues to function fine on these sites, and I haven't run
> across anything glaringly obvious on the Windows side.
> Is this likely a misconfiguration on my part?  Has anyone experienced
> anything similar?
> I appreciate any insight you can provide.

what you need to do is lower the MSS that is being advertised by the
Windows XP machine.  on the VPN Server/Router:

        iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp --syn -s $WINXP_BOX \
          -j TCPMSS --set-mss 1400
if the problem continues--lower that 1400 until the problem disappears. 
i have had to ratchet it down as low as 1330 on IPSec + WiFi setups. 
with your addition of the ppp0 (pptp) MTU of 896--you may need to use
"--set-mss 850" before the Windows XP box will work properly.  another
option that may or may not work, would be to allow the VPN Server/Router
to figure this automatically (which depends on proper PMTU discovery,
which is certainly not a given these days):

        iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp --syn -s $WINXP_BOX \
          -j TCPMSS --clamp-mss-to-pmtu

Jason Opperisano <opie@xxxxxxxxxxx>

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