Re: Request about MAC Address (cross posted to ebtables and netfilter)

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Really sorry, I was searching in IANA, and didn't find any information
Thanks alot Jason, you are one of the stars here.

On Thu, 23 Sep 2004 10:35:30 -0400, Jason Opperisano <opie@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Thu, 2004-09-23 at 08:47, Mohamed Eldesoky wrote:
> > I have seen this on my logs
> > Destination: 00:0c:76:e7:fa:a9 (Micro-St_e7:fa:a9)
> >
> > I have searched for the manufacturer assigned this mac, and I failed !!
> > Anyone knows anything about such manufacturer ??
> according to:
> a search for 000c76 yields:
> 00-0C-76   (hex)                MICRO-STAR INTERNATIONAL CO., LTD.
> 000C76     (base 16)            MICRO-STAR INTERNATIONAL CO., LTD.
>                                 No 69, Li-De Street, Jung-He City, Taipe
>                                 Taipei
>                                 TAIWAN, REPUBLIC OF CHINA
> googling for MICRO-STAR INTERNATIONAL leads us to:
> i'd guess the MAC is from an onboard NIC from one of their motherboards.
> -j
> --
> Jason Opperisano <opie@xxxxxxxxxxx>

Mohamed Eldesoky

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