Re: Blocking Netranges Based on IP-to-Country CSV

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On Fri, 17 Sep 2004 12:46:13 +0100, Nick Drage <nickd@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 16, 2004 at 09:33:03AM -0700, Hudson Delbert J Contr 61 CS/SCBN wrote:
> >
> > why do this ?
> There's a good set of reasons on:
> > seems a bit nasty in nature.
> Depends how you use the information.  And to be honest considering the
> reputation of some sources of traffic, such as Korea and South America,
> which might be unlikely to have legitimate connections to your site, it
> would be handy to block them all.

I don't like this reason at all, but let me agree with you temporarily.
What if a client with good reputation "ie, from your country :-)" is
spending his vacation in South America, and wanted to check something
in your website ??

> > we dont even do this sort of thing? see email addy...
> But you're a worldwide organisation, and I think there's much more that
> you can do with this than just block.  For example, has anything figured
> out a way to tie this into logging rules, it would great to see which
> countries I'm being attacked from.
> --
> mors omnia vincit

Mohamed Eldesoky

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