[fixed resend with proper email] I have a simple setup for a Linux router with two interfaces. One interface (eth1) is my internal side, running the, and the other interface (eth0) has 10 public IP addresses on it, similar to (first 3 octets changed to 5.5.5 to protect the innocent. :-) Internet - [eth0] - NAT - [eth1] - Clients To configure this device, I use a series of commands, listed here. Mind you, the only change from my real config is the public IPs have been replaced with the "" range. ifconfig eth0 up ifconfig eth1 up ifconfig eth0 netmask ip addr add dev eth0 ip addr add dev eth0 ip addr add dev eth0 ip addr add dev eth0 ip addr add dev eth0 ip addr add dev eth0 ip addr add dev eth0 ip addr add dev eth0 ip addr add dev eth0 ifconfig eth1 netmask route add default gw iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j SNAT --to echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward This setup has worked perfect for me for a while, but recently I noticed that when I try to connect to the AOL Instant Messenger service, it refuses to complete the connection. I recorded the conversation with Ethereal and realized that it was talking to two servers over at AOL. One of them provided the authentication, and the other one was what carried on the regular AIM conversation. This is the very reason it seems to break. The AIM client (tried the real AIM client running on an XP work laptop and gaim/Debian on my work machine) attempts to connect to the auth server. The linux router chooses the next available WAN IP for this connection (let's say port 5190). Once the authentication completes, it attempts to connect to the main AIM server (port 5190 again), in which the linux router chooses to talk to this. The IP discrepancy is a no-no to the second server, and sends me away. To make a long story short (TOO LATE!), I need to figure out a way to have the Linux box use the same IP for both connections to the AIM servers. My first idea was to potentially route all traffic destined for port 5190 across one of the ten WAN IPs, but then I wondered if there was a way to have the linux router "prefer" to use the same WAN IP as much as possible without resorting to a 1-to-1 setup. There are more than 10 clients, so that really isn't an option. Any advice is appreciated, including potential fixes to the generic config as it is. I don't claim to be an expert on any of this. :-D Joe Drago StreamLine Communications