I wrote:
However, I'm not sure how to handle the external network and the DMZ. We have a /28 subnet from our ISP. Our router uses one address on the subnet. From the router, you proceed to a switch, where three devices are plugged in: a wireless access point, a VPN device, and the external interface of the SonicWall firewall. All three devices have addresses on the same /28 subnet as the router. Additionally, the SonicWall's DMZ interface does not have and address assigned to it - it is somehow logically bridged to the external interface. The systems in the DMZ are also on the same /28 subnet. You tell the SonicWall which IP addresses are in use in the DMZ, so that it knows which interface to send traffic for that subnet out of. Internal traffice, heading out either the external or DMZ interfaces of the SonicWall, appear to come from the external address of the SonicWall. I have no idea how to replicate this setup under iptables.
It occurs to me that I'm running out of IPs anyway, so maybe what I should do is get two subnets from my ISP: a subnet of 16 (14 usable) addresses for the router, the firewall's external interface, and everything in between, and a subnet of 32 (30 usable) addresses for my DMZ. That would work, yes?