Hello Harald and netfilter-list!
I have been using iptables 1.2.9 with the pptp/gre conntrack modules with a 2.4.26 kernel with great success for several months. I would like to thank you for your hard work in providing support for pptp connection tracking through linux NAT'ing firewalls! It is a great service!
With the release of 2.4.27, I thought I would update my iptables to the current 1.2.11 release and patch-o-matic-ng-20040621 along with the kernel. I was in the process of patching and recompiling the kernel when I ran across this problem:
The complier complains about the missing arguments for the call to ip_nat_used_tuple from gre_unique_tuple, in line 108 of the ip_nat_proto_gre.c source:
The gre_unique_tuple method, line 108 in the ip_nat_proto_gre.c file reads like this:
if (!ip_nat_used_tuple(tuple, conntrack))
The definition of ip_nat_used_tuple from the ip_nat.h file reads like this:
/* Is this tuple already taken? (not by us)*/ extern int ip_nat_used_tuple(const struct ip_conntrack_tuple *tuple, const struct ip_conntrack *ignored_conntrack, const enum ip_nat_manip_type maniptype, const unsigned int flags);
I am no code monster, but a quick glance at the source made me think that perhaps the line 108 in the ip_nat_proto_gre.c could read:
if (!ip_nat_used_tuple(tuple, conntrack, maniptype, flags))
The problem is, I don't know what the proper values to send in for the "flags" argument should be, and the "maniptype" argument is a guess based off of what is passed into the parent gre_unique_tuple function:
/* generate unique tuple ... */ static int gre_unique_tuple(struct ip_conntrack_tuple *tuple, const struct ip_nat_range *range, enum ip_nat_manip_type maniptype, const struct ip_conntrack *conntrack)
I have been scanning the mailing lists looking to see if someone posted a solution to this yet, but I have not run across a solution so far.
A nudge in the right direction would be most helpful! And thanks again for your outstanding work!
Best regards,