I am having a problem now where I am getting RST packets being blocked from my internal network heading out to the external network. It looks like RST packets are used to stop a TCP connection when there is a problem. The setup is like this: I have a web box in my dmz that people connect to. A mod-jk connection is made through my firewall, and the responses are allowed back with the standard ESTABLISHED,RELATED allow on the Forward chain. I guess I was wondering why I was getting a bunch of RST packets and also, why the firewall was blocking them. Would they not be part of the ESTABLISED-RELATED chain ? Here are the relevant rules. $IPT -A FORWARD -p TCP -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT $IPT -A FORWARD -s $WEB_BOX_IP -I eth1 -j web-int $IPT -A web-int -d -p tcp --dport 8009:8020 -j ACCEPT I do have a chain for int-web ... which is used to connect to a webserver running on it ..(and it rejects everything else). This is the chain that the RST packet is making it too and is then getting rejected. However, I did not think that the packet should reach this chain as it is related (or establised) to the web-int connection ... Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. My network set up is a DMZ between two firewalls. The web box is in the DMZ. The "int" in my chains is my internal network. the internal network is separated form the DMZ by a firewall. Peter Marshall