Re: ip_conntrack_tcp Errors

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On 28 Jun 2004, Evgeni Vachkov wrote:

> I understand the need to identify the problem and I am more than willing
> to help. It would be appreciated if you could adise me on the tcpdump
> command switches to run, since I dont want to scan through thousands of
> packets to identify the missing one. Also I am not an expert in tcpdump,
> so I will need your help.

Assuming that eth0 faces with the client machine, issue the
following command before starting the test:

# tcpdump -i eth0 -w capture.log tcp

If the machine is short in disk space you can compress the log on the fly

# tcpdump -i eth0 -w - tcp | gzip -c9 > capture.log.gz

and then you can stop tcpdump by

# killall -INT tcpdump

> Note that this problem occurs only when ip_conntrack table reaches
> arround 25000 connections. The software I am running is using ab (a
> shell script incorporatring ab).

I assume you run Linux on the client machine running ab as well, don't
you? What it the output of

# cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range

on that machine?

Best regards,
E-mail  : kadlec@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, kadlec@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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          H-1525 Budapest 114, POB. 49, Hungary

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