--- aksingh@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote: > I have a doubt regarding the NF_IP_LOCAL_OUT hook, > suppose i use libnet > to inject some packets into the kernel ..... the > dest ip address of this > packet is my own linux box( the same box that is > injecting those packet). > Now, the netfilter NF_IP_LOCAL_OUT hook catches > those packets, and the > routing decision is taken after this hook is passed, > what happens after > this, since these packets are destined to this > machine, do these packets go > to the wire then again the ethernet card of this > machine catches these No, packets destined to the local machine do not go on to the wire. > packets (i.e a new sk_buff is again assigned for > them etc) or do they > retain their old sk_buff and are directly sent to > the application waiting > for them ? > ip_packet(dest add==ip addr of this machine) ----> > NF_IP_LOCAL_OUT hook > --->routing decision --> wire(old sk_buff freed) --> > ethernet card ---> new > sk_buff ---> NF_IP_PRE_ROUTING hook ---> application > on this machine > waiting for this packet.(as part of this new > sk_buff) surely not this. > > or, > > ip_packet(dest add==ip addr of this machine) ----> > NF_IP_LOCAL_OUT hook > --->routing decision -->application on this machine > waiting for this packet > (as part of its old sk_buff itself) I am not sure of the sk_buff, but the packet gets looped back, so this is atleast partially right. ===== Regards, Kiran Kumar Immidi __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Win a $20,000 Career Makeover at Yahoo! HotJobs http://hotjobs.sweepstakes.yahoo.com/careermakeover