Re: more about martians

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--- Henrik Nordstrom <hno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Tue, 20 Apr 2004, udo wrote:
> > As a follow up on my post about portforwarding to
> > and the 'martian destination'
> > message I can tell I found the probable cause in
> > /usr/src/linux/net/ipv4/route.c.
> Why do you want to forward to Why not a
> global IP?

I only want to offer ssh to the outside world (lan and
wan) on port 22 while still being able to run sshd at
non-root privs.
Say port 2222 for non-root reasons but port 2222 must
not interfere and best not be visible to the outside

> The loopback addresses (127.X/8) are handled very
> special.

I found out.
It's just another interface.
I would like to use the lo interface because it is
hidden for the outside world, so a sshd at 2222
listening there is no problem.

Kind regards,

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