I have 32 IP ADDRESSE Router (cisco) I do not have access on it Big Brother proprerty-- BELL you know already :( ... :) My linux box 2 net interface running DNS on eth0 and on eth1 Here comes the scenario: Betwen the router and Swich is my machine and I want all the trafic to go through my Linux Box to be able to account the trafic per IP addres. ROUTER -->INPUT<-- eth0 My Linux Box: eth0-->Accounting FILTER<--eth1 eth1-->SWITCH<-- to 95 I want to be able in my linux box to measure trafic for all the station which are pluged in switch from 68 to 95 Thanks for an eventual complet solution. I tried to do so [INTERNET] -->[ ROUTER:] -->[ eth0(66) --eth1(67)] -->[HUB/switch]--> [station ([68].. to [95])] How can I masure the trafic on each IP address in 68 to 95 range using your software. Mit schönen Grüßen von Yahoo! Mail - http://mail.yahoo.de