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Packet loss at routing to own machine! I have following test configuration to measure udp round trip time: (ADR is set to 192.168) |--------| |---------|eth1 (ADR.1.2)<---->(ADR.1.1) eth1|router 1|eth0 (ADR.3.1)<- |Test PC | cross cable 1 |--------| | |reflect. | cross | | | cable 3 | |send/rec.| |--------| | |---------|eth0 (ADR.2.2)<---->(ADR.2.1) eth1|router 2|eth1 (ADR.3.2)<- cross cable 2 |--------| The linux routers 1 and 2 have activated forwarding. On the Test PC is running an udp Sender program, which sends udp packets from eth0 ( over the routers 2 and 1 to eth1 ( on the Test PC. An udp reflector program receiving the packets on eth1 sends it back over both routers to eth0 where the packets arrive. With etheral it can be seen, that the reflected packets arrive at eth0 of the Test PC, but the receive call of the send/receive program does not get the packets. When the Sender program and the reflector program run on separate machines, it works fine. To avoid an internal shortcut, (udp packets sent from eth0 to eth1 over the loop back interface) I shut down the loop back interface with ifconfig lo down Following routing table entries were set: route add -host dev eth1 route add -host gw dev eth1 route add -host dev eth0 route add -host gw dev eth0 All other routing entries were deleted. Who throws away the received udp packets, when the send/receive program and the reflector program runs on the same machine ? Have I to set iptables rules, if so, which rules have I to use ?