MASQ & routing

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I want to configure a Mandrake Linux 9.2 box to act as a masquerading gateway for a lan conected on eth0. The INet connection is a normal dial-up ppp link. The gateway can reach any host on the Net and on the lan (so routing should be ok) and ip_forward is set to 1, but no masqueraded host can reach the Net. When I fire-up the masquerading script I get the error message

	 kernel: MASQUERADE: No route: Rusty's brain broke!

If anybody had a similar problem please give me a hint! 10x


Connex scaneaza automat toate mesajele impotriva virusilor folosind RAV AntiVirus.

Connex automatically scans all messages for viruses using RAV AntiVirus.

Nota: RAV AntiVirus poate sa nu detecteze toti virusii noi sau toate variantele lor. 

Pentru a inlatura efectele nedorite si din dorinta de a va oferi in permanenta servicii 

de cea mai buna calitate msajele detectate ca fiind infectate vor fi sterse automat .

Va rugam sa luati in considerare ca exista un risc de fiecare data cand deschideti 

fisiere atasate si ca MobiFon nu este responsabila pentru nici un prejudiciu cauzat de 


Disclaimer: RAV Antivirus may not be able to detect all new viruses and variants. In 

order to remove  unwanted effects and to continuously provide quality services all 

infected e-mails will be automatically deleted .Please be aware that there is a risk 

involved whenever opening e-mail attachments to your computer and that MobiFon is not 

responsible for any damages caused by viruses.

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