I have a small local network and a Linux machine as a gateway to the Internet. On the Linux machine I started iptables using the script from Oscar Andreasson's tutorial at: http://iptables-tutorial.frozentux.net/iptables-tutorial.html
Using his script: rc.DHCP.firewall.
This script implements masquerading service to the internal network and provides firewall security.
The problem started when I was suspected of having a MyDoom virus or some other worm that sends unsolicited messages. Most likely this can happened to any of the machines on the internal network.
In Oscar's script the local network is treated liberally allowing them to everything assuming that illegal activity will be blocked elsewhere by the firewall. This is done using the command:
where LAN_IFACE is eth0 and LAN_IP_RANGE is 10.0.0/24 (of course IPTABLES is /usr/sbin/iptables)
I want to block smtp operations from the local network so the viruses/worms will be blocked.
I tried a command:
but it did nothing.
What can I do to block those messages sending attempts?
-- Thanks.
David Harel,
Home office +972 4 6921986 Fax: +972 4 6921986 Cellular: +972 54 534502 Snail Mail: Amuka D.N Merom Hagalil 13802 Israel Email: hareldvd@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx