apt-get install tcpdump
Then you can do 'tcpdump -i ppp0 -w FILENAME dst 192.168.1 ' What this does is takes all the packets from ppp0 bound for the range 192.168.1.* and throws them in FILENAME. Then if you wanted to break things up, you could use grep:
You would do that for each IP.
You can always do 'man tcpdump' or 'man grep' if you want to do or know more.
You could also try ethereal. I would use either one of these instead of modifying the firewall, unless you have good reason to not use these programs. I hope that helps. Check out 'man iptables' to see what iptables offers.
Michelle Konzack wrote:
I am using Debian GNU/Linux 3.0r2 WOODY and have installed the 'ulogd' Packge.
I like to log the traffic in my ADSL-Interface ppp0 But I do not know, HOW !
All tries are faild.
Can anone tell me the rule ?
Oh yes, is it possibel to log the traffic from ppp0 to a specified IP-Adress inside my Network in a seperated file ?
I like to have for each IP/Server (26 complet) in my private network a logfile.
Thanks Michelle