I've been running my current network configuration for over a year on the 2.4.xx kernels without any issue. I've recently been using 2.6.0-test11 and without any configuration changes I'm having issues with advanced routing combined with masquerading. To reproduce the problem here is a simplified breakdown of my configuration. eth0 : Internal Network eth1 : ADSL modem eth2 : Cable modem The default route for all traffic is the ADSL modem but certain protocols/machines route across the cable modem. The cable modem only has a single publish IP (bound to eth1) and, therefore, it is necessary to NAT. So.... iptables -A POSTROUTING -s internal_pc_ip -d ! LOCALNET -o eth1 -t nat -j MASQUERADE ip rule add from internal_pc_ip table cm prio 1000 ip route add default via eth1_ip dev eth1 table cm ---- This works fine on the 2.4.22 kernel but in 2.6 traffic destined for the cable modem generates a "MASQUERADE: Route sent us somewhere else." error. Apologies if I've missed something but any held in diagnosing the problem would be appreciated. Steve. ----------------------------------------- Email provided by http://www.ntlhome.com/