Sorry, I mistyped, the second -p was --dport:
$IPT -t nat -A PREROUTING -d $MYEXTIP -p tcp -s $MYSOURCEIP --dport
196 -j DNAT --to
I'm trying to figure a way to forward a packet from a linux box to an
internal windows box given a specific port. I'm pretty sure I can specify a
port in my browser via a colon: eg: http://myfoobox:196, right?
Here is the rule I've set up in the iptables:
$IPT -t nat -A PREROUTING -d $MYEXTIP -p tcp -s $MYSOURCEIP -p 196 -j DNAT
Now, if I remove the -p ( port) it works, but I don't want every single
request coming here to get forwarded, just a specific port, I've tried
entering this in my browser:
http;//myfoobox - This works if I don't have a port (-p ) in my
iptables rule
http://myfoobox:196 - this doesn't work no matter what
just entering the myfoobox , still no go.
The rule is the first one in my table so I know it has to at least get
evaluated, in other words, there's not another rule filtering it out before
it hits this.
Thanks in advance