Hi everyone.. i hope that one of you may be able to help... Hi my name is Chris and I'm currently setting up a firewall for my office. However I am pretty much a novice and am having some problems... I read one of your scripts and thought you would be a good person to get in contact with IF i could. I have a firewall up and running BUT my boss is wanting me to block Instant Messaging... I have worked out HOW to do this however the system that I had working was causing problems with the email (i was using Guarddog for KDE) So i have resorted to handwriting everything as I should probably have done before hand. I was hoping that you would be able to help me out... I am limited by what I can do to the network because this is a "stable" network (even though they did not have a firewall before I cam 3 weeks ago) I have installed a Proxy server on the same box as the firewall and the rules successfully prevent clients from accessing yahoo and msn (which a normal firewall wouldnt because they would go through on port 80 etc) BUT when guarddog was used it was stuffing up the IPtables.. (eg i would open Port 80 and it would close it) EXACTLY WHAT I NEED ------------------------------------ I need to have two sections to the firewall.. one being the server and priviledged machine (kind of like DMZ BUT on the same ip range as the clients much to my disgust) Local Clients are from (not my setup) I want any machines that are not included in this to NOT have to go through the Firewall if possible. If not all of them I need the mail server (residing on to not be if possible. I would like the following ports FORWARDED to 25 80 110 443 that way the squid will do the rules to filter out bad ports etc (right?) I would like all machines that are clients to be Automatically FORWARDED to port 3128 so that the rules can stpo the chatting etc I have given links my "attempt" at this but am really stuck on it.. I realise you have probably got better things to spend your time with but I would be eternally grateful. this would take me HOURS but probably take you minutes. I hope to hear from you soon http://web.igateway.com.au/~chrislive/iptables/fw.leadside http://web.igateway.com.au/~chrislive/iptables/fw_leadingside Thankyou