Hi Friends,
A have a Gateway Gnu/Linux, Debian 3.0 rc1 with kernel 2.4.22, iptables
1.2.8-8 and freeswan 2.02 in São Paulo and i have another Linux in
Rio-de-Janeiro with Red-Hat 6.2, ipchains and the path-pptp. Clients in
São Paulo have to conect in Rio-de-Janeiro throught PPTP and the problem
its that the Server in Rio accepts only one connection.
In my Firewall here in São Paulo i'm put only one rule just to do the tests:
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -j MASQUERADE
The chains in my FIREWALL are ACCEPT
Have I enable any rule or patch in kernel ?
I would like to know whats going on, cause the server in RIO just ACCEPT
one connection. There is something that should i do? ... rules... path
in my kernel.....
Thank you very much