One more question related to this. Can we limit no. of icmp packets per IP address? Or shall it limit total no. of ICMP packets from all the source IP's. *********** REPLY SEPARATOR *********** On 9/26/2003 at 6:52 AM Wu Nick wrote: >Hi guys, > > I had added a rule to my linux box to prevent "Ping flooding". > Actually, i limit ICMP packet to be accepted 253 times at maximum > within a second by the limit extension option. The rule looks like this > "ipatbles -A INPUT -p icmp -m limit --limit 253/s -j ACCEPT" > "ipatbles -A INPUT -p icmp -j DROP" > But when i use packet generator with sniffer to test this fucntion, it > doesn't always work. If i send each icmp packets with 10 millisecond > delay within a second, it works fine, but when i doing this with each >packet less than 10 > millisecond delay within a second, it seems crash(only few packets match >the first rule, > others will be matched by the second rule ).This seems that limit module >can only see >packet every 10 millisecond. Any ideas? > >Any comments will be very appreciated! > >Nick Wu > >_________________________________________________________________ >²{¦b´N¤W MSN ²á¤Ñ«Ç¡G¦b½u¤Wµ²¥æ·sªB¤Í¡A»P¦h¤H§Y®É¤¬°Ê¹ï½Í >