Re: Routing decision?

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On Mon, 2003-09-15 at 10:49, Wim Ceulemans wrote:
> Hi
> In paragraph 6.2 of the iptables-tutorial the following is said:
> "The OUTPUT chain is used for altering locally generated packets (i.e., 
> on the firewall) before they get to the routing decision.
> But in paragraph 3.1, the "Traversing of tables and chains" diagram, we 
> see the "Routing decision" is listed after the "Local process" and
> BEFORE! the packet goes to the output chain.
> So which one is right? Does the routing decision take place after or 
> before the packet travels through the output chain?

Are you not getting confused with 'locally generated' and 'local
process'. They are not the same thing.

> Regards
Raymond Leach <raymondl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Network Support Specialist
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