From: "George Vieira" <georgev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Subject: RE: iptables SNAT and sip "REGISTER" Date: Thu, 11 Sep 2003 11:11:12 +1000 > A common VoIP protocol being used is H323 which NetMeeting also uses. tcpdump ports 389,522,1503,1720,1731,8080,1469 to see if packets are going through any of these ports. If they are then there's a good chance it's H323 and you need the p-o-m patch for H323 to get it working through NAT.. I am using iptables for the 'bouncing(reflection)' function for sip proxy and sip hardphones. I have not yet used iptables for H323 proxy and NetMeeting, GnomeMeeting. After I could succeed to use sip hardphones, I would like to use the p-o-m patch for sip-h323gw. -- Zen